Pretty Baby

She looks thrilled.

I think she liked it! (More smiles from our happy girl!)

This lake-living is exhausting!

Nate, checkin' on his little sister.

Amelia had her 2-month well check this morning with Dr. Grant. As you can see in the classic kitchen-sink bath photos, she's thriving! She's 24.25 inches long and 13 pounds 8 oz (90th percentile on my pediatrician's charts) at the two-month point. She also got rammed with 5 needles and one oral dose (rotavirus) for a total of 7 immunizations! Poor baby. She had been in the middle of her morning nap and ready to nurse before the shots came...she was not happy about the whole ordeal! We leave tomorrow on our plane trip to Minnesota. Hopefully, there's no reaction. I had her appointment scheduled for Friday so we'd have a few days before our flight, but Dr. Grant's office needed to change her appointment to today. C'est la vie! It is what it is.
Rub-a-dub-dub, Amelia's not in the tub!
Grandmother and Granddaddy also drove up to the lakehouse from Port Arthur to see their great-grandkids and meet Amelia for the first time. The dress Mia is wearing in the photo was a baby gift from her great-grandparents!
All done!

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