Whew! It's done. I neglected to blog after my 36-week appointment on Friday because I've been a little preoccupied with Nate's 3rd birthday party. The party was today and I think it went as well as can be expected with ten kids 5-and-under running about on a sugar high. Since this is Baby Girl's blog, I've included a photo of me at 37-weeks (with the train cake).
Yup! I hit 37-weeks today. I'm now considered "term." She could come into this world any day and not be considered premature. Nate was 6 days early, but only because I had a small tear in my membranes resulting in a slow leak of amniotic fluid (so, officially, my "water broke"). They had to hook me up with P
itocin to kick-start actual labor. Still, April 1st would be a good date. I keep joking that she needs to hang on for the April birthstone--
Here are the stats from Fridays 36-week check:
- Blood pressure: 90/60
- Weight: +34 pounds (no change from 2 weeks ago; hmmm, weigh me now after making Nate's birthday cake--a definite weakness!)
- Strong heartbeat which kept jumping every time she moved (she's quite active)
- HEAD DOWN! We got a quick peak on the ultrasound. She's in position!
DS, Nate, went to the exam with me. He did better (the lollipop-on-the-way-out bribe seemed to work...but not as well as the "I'll read you the 'It's-not-a-ghost-it's-a-squirrel' story in Highlights magazine on the couch out front if you stay in
the purple chair" tactic). He can now tell you what Baby Sister's heartbeat sounds like when you ask him. I think he enjoyed seeing her on
the ultrasound monitor (i.e., "TV"), too. Dr.
Kuhl pointed out her heart, back bones, arm bones and head. That's what Nate told his Daddy, "I saw [sister's] arm and head and belly today." I'm glad I started taking him to the appointments. It's been a little more chaotic at the doctor's office; but I think he's really starting to feel like part of the process. We'll see what good any of it did soon enough! ;)
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