I suppose I'm coming to the realization that this is indeed happening. I am in fact pregnant; and we will probably have a newborn in the house within the next week or so. Huh. I do feel a little more comfortable with the idea now that most of the to-do list is checked off. We just finished a weekend of uber-baby-set-up! I was intentionally waiting until Nate's birthday party, Easter, and Jason's surgery rotation had passed to really focus on baby-prep. We pulled out all the gear--washed the seat covers, scrubbed down the frames, set up the swings and the baby bouncers, positioned the co-sleeper (like a bassinet that pushes right up against your bed), created a diaper station, packed the hospital bags, assembled her diaper bag, picked out & washed her going-home outfit, etc. We left the guest bed in the nursery, since we're going to have company until the first week in May ("Hooray" for Moms, Dads, sisters and families!); so the crib is not set-up yet. In reality, it doesn't need to be since she'll be sleeping in the cosleeper in our room for the first few months. She now has everything she should need upon her arrival home (as far as I can remember). Now that her gear is in order and April is practically here (diamond birthstone, people!), she's free to enter this world at her leisure...minding she comes this week! ;)
I've been having Braxton-Hicks contractions since the start of the year. They've been much more regular since the beginning of this month. They are certainly increasing in frequency and duration this week, but not that much change in intensity. I actually got sick on Tuesday night. WARNING! Graphic details to follow: It was quite an experience, vomiting and having contractions at the same time!
I was not able to see Dr. Kuhl on Friday. My appointment was for 11:15. At 11:50, I was called into the back to start my vitals. While I was on the scale, Dr. Kuhl approaches us to say he has to go deliver a baby (he was on-call that day). I was a little more disappointed than I might have been because Jason was there to meet Dr. Kuhl. (He finished his big surgery test at 11:15 and showed up a few minutes later--luckily the clinic is 3 minutes from his school. He had the weekend off before he starts his pediatrics rotation tomorrow.) He has yet to meet him. After delivery, Dr. Kuhl was scheduled to go right into surgery. It would be another hour's wait to see one of the midwives; and, again, it was lunchtime and momma was hungry! Alas, I just rescheduled for today. That's when we found out Dr. Kuhl was on vacation this whole week. So, if I go into labor, he won't be there anyway. I give up.
I did have my 39-week appointment today. Like I said, Dr. Kuhl is on leave this week, so I saw one of the midwives in his office. She let Nate help with the whole appt--measuring my belly (40 cm), pouring the gel on my belly, holding the heartbeat Doppler and finding Baby's heart rate, cleaning me off, etc. He was quite proud of himself. Baby Girl is doing well inside my belly; but my cervix is still pretty high (which doesn't necessarily mean anything). I'll probably get my April baby!
So I've been having more and more "pregnancy moments" as this 9 (10) months draws to a close. Although with this pregnancy-induced insomnia waking me up at all hours of the night (giving me about 5 hours of sleep now per night), these moments of flightiness could be a result of "sleep deprivation." I showed up to a bowling alley birthday party 2 hours early--luckily I had the invitation with me so I could confirm the error of my ways. On a Monday, I brought a 50% off coupon to Michaels good for Sunday only (in BOLD print). I knew it was a one-day-only coupon; but in my head the coupon was for Monday. (Not bad by itself, but Nate was the one using the coupon to buy a Thomas bridge with his birthday money. He did not quite understand when I told him--at the check-out counter--we'd have to come back later. Jason ended up bringing the regular 40% off coupon and we threw in the extra money!) I also filled my tank with super premium the other day (instead of basic unleaded)--quite a costly mistake right now!
Then last night I had two pregnancy dreams. In the first dream, I was driving home with our brand-new, beautiful baby girl in her carseat. I was looking at her in the back of the car, happy and proud; but couldn't remember giving birth. I remembered nothing about the hospital stay. I even pulled up my shirt to see if I had a cesarean scar and had been under heavy sedation of some sort. There was no scar. This baby came out of my hoo-hoo, but I didn't remember any part of the process. Jason was nowhere to be found. I was quite distraught.
In the second dream, I brought the kids to Sea World one summer day. I put Baby Girl in the corner in her carrier so she could watch me and Nate play in the water. Nate told me he wanted to go down the waterslide, so we went. Then we remembered that the Shamu show started soon, so we went on to see the performance. Yes, forgetting all about Baby Girl in her carrier! I came back hours later and Baby was still where I'd left her, smiling. That reminds me of the "will I be a competent parent?" dreams I had while carrying Nate. In one dream, I lost him in the clothes racks at a store. I was panicking, but couldn't remember my own son's name. I was searching the store yelling, "Kid! Kid?! Where are you?!"
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
In the Words of James Brown, "I Feel Good!"
Now I know why I remember enjoying my pregnancy with Nate...I feel great! She must have moved off of my sciatic when she got into position, I have nesting energy and she's really active so I'm getting excited to meet her. The only downside? With this nesting energy comes insomnia. When I wake up, my mind is spinning. I can't shut off my brain to fall back asleep. I'm averaging about 6-hours a night--which is quite manageable (but not my usual call for 8.5 hours for my body & mind to be fully rested). This might have happened with Nate, too; although I don't recall it. I think this time it's bothering me more because I know what I'm in for! I'm really going to want those extra hours when the baby gets here. Those first few weeks, er, months of sleep deprivation are HARD.
I started my weekly OB appointments today (blood pressure 112/78 and the magical 35-pound mark for weight gain). Of course, the errand I ran beforehand didn't take nearly as long as I anticipated, so I arrived 20 minutes early. Then, Dr. Kuhl was running an HOUR behind. Nate and I entertained ourselves with the stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, tape measure, stirrups, lights, gloves, and ultrasound gel (because naturally I left his diaper bag/entertainment in the car for my routine 5-minute appointment!) It was actually pretty cute--after putting the gloves on, listening to my heart with the stethoscope, measuring my belly and pretending to pour gel on my belly; he was ready to assist Dr. Kuhl. After listening to Baby Girl's heartbeat, Nate stands on the step of the exam table with his gloves and a kleenex and tells Dr. Kuhl, "I want to help!" And he did. He wiped off the gel and threw both his tissue and Dr. Kuhl's away. After waiting 1 hour and 20 minutes, I was literally in the exam room with Dr. Kuhl for 3 minutes ("everything's normal...you're term, get ready"). I was so hungry (how can you leave a 37-week pregnant lady waiting for an hour at lunch time?!), I was in no mood for small talk. The extra questions will have to wait until next week. I needed to get some food in my belly before I passed out (that's what I felt like anyway). I understand life happens, but at least validate my parking when you're running so far behind (and bring me a bagel)!
In the miscellaneous category, I'm still keeping up with yoga. It's more of a beginner's class, so she's not working me too hard aerobically. I'm able to modify as-needed quite easily. I'm craving everything--food in general is good. I've eaten a lot of sweets between baby showers and birthdays. I'm really, really trying to cut back on my sugar again and reach for those cherry tomatoes, carrots, grapes, and yogurt when I need a quick bite of something. I've been eating a lot of scrambled egg sandwiches with chipotle cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, flavored gourmet popcorn (a gift from a friend), oatmeal and cereal (bien sur!)--especially Life, Oatmeal Squares, and Total Raisin Bran. I'm trying to use Frosted Mini Wheats to fill my sweet cravings these days. I'm still having Braxton Hicks contractions daily; and, yes, they are getting longer, more frequent and more intense!
I started my weekly OB appointments today (blood pressure 112/78 and the magical 35-pound mark for weight gain). Of course, the errand I ran beforehand didn't take nearly as long as I anticipated, so I arrived 20 minutes early. Then, Dr. Kuhl was running an HOUR behind. Nate and I entertained ourselves with the stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, tape measure, stirrups, lights, gloves, and ultrasound gel (because naturally I left his diaper bag/entertainment in the car for my routine 5-minute appointment!) It was actually pretty cute--after putting the gloves on, listening to my heart with the stethoscope, measuring my belly and pretending to pour gel on my belly; he was ready to assist Dr. Kuhl. After listening to Baby Girl's heartbeat, Nate stands on the step of the exam table with his gloves and a kleenex and tells Dr. Kuhl, "I want to help!" And he did. He wiped off the gel and threw both his tissue and Dr. Kuhl's away. After waiting 1 hour and 20 minutes, I was literally in the exam room with Dr. Kuhl for 3 minutes ("everything's normal...you're term, get ready"). I was so hungry (how can you leave a 37-week pregnant lady waiting for an hour at lunch time?!), I was in no mood for small talk. The extra questions will have to wait until next week. I needed to get some food in my belly before I passed out (that's what I felt like anyway). I understand life happens, but at least validate my parking when you're running so far behind (and bring me a bagel)!
In the miscellaneous category, I'm still keeping up with yoga. It's more of a beginner's class, so she's not working me too hard aerobically. I'm able to modify as-needed quite easily. I'm craving everything--food in general is good. I've eaten a lot of sweets between baby showers and birthdays. I'm really, really trying to cut back on my sugar again and reach for those cherry tomatoes, carrots, grapes, and yogurt when I need a quick bite of something. I've been eating a lot of scrambled egg sandwiches with chipotle cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, flavored gourmet popcorn (a gift from a friend), oatmeal and cereal (bien sur!)--especially Life, Oatmeal Squares, and Total Raisin Bran. I'm trying to use Frosted Mini Wheats to fill my sweet cravings these days. I'm still having Braxton Hicks contractions daily; and, yes, they are getting longer, more frequent and more intense!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Any Day Now! (?)
Whew! It's done. I neglected to blog after my 36-week appointment on Friday because I've been a little preoccupied with Nate's 3rd birthday party. The party was today and I think it went as well as can be expected with ten kids 5-and-under running about on a sugar high. Since this is Baby Girl's blog, I've included a photo of me at 37-weeks (with the train cake).
Yup! I hit 37-weeks today. I'm now considered "term." She could come into this world any day and not be considered premature. Nate was 6 days early, but only because I had a small tear in my membranes resulting in a slow leak of amniotic fluid (so, officially, my "water broke"). They had to hook me up with Pitocin to kick-start actual labor. Still, April 1st would be a good date. I keep joking that she needs to hang on for the April birthstone--diamonds!
Here are the stats from Fridays 36-week check:
Here are the stats from Fridays 36-week check:
- Blood pressure: 90/60
- Weight: +34 pounds (no change from 2 weeks ago; hmmm, weigh me now after making Nate's birthday cake--a definite weakness!)
- Strong heartbeat which kept jumping every time she moved (she's quite active)
- HEAD DOWN! We got a quick peak on the ultrasound. She's in position!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Showering Baby, Part 2
Monday, March 3, 2008
Apparently, I've Looked Much Hotter!
My MOPS group (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) threw me a surprise baby shower today! I was told it was a playdate, so I came straight from yoga (no shower, no-make-up, I think I combed my hair)! It was really sweet. The host, Jennifer, made a beautiful diaper cake; a talented culinary artist, Christie, made a cute carriage cake; and the rest of the ladies brought diapers and cute pink outfits for Baby Girl! I have the diaper cake sitting on our dining room table as a centerpiece for motivation. Between a friend giving birth to a precious baby girl last week and this shower, I'm getting back into "excited-to-take-part-in-a-miracle" mode when I've been stuck in "irritable, uncomfortable, 30-days-to-go-and-there's-so-much-to-do" mode!
Memorable quotes from Hubby:
--My DH, Jason, was trying to give me a compliment as I was getting ready for church this past weekend. As he wrapped his arms around my belly he said, "Hey, Honey, you've never looked so good!" Then realizing in his head how a pregnant lady might take this, he backtracks, "Well, yes you have. You've looked much hotter!" I encouraged him to just stop talking.
--The above comment came the morning after he was watching me put my pajamas on and blurted out with a tone of amazement, "My, you are wide!" I tried to clarify--you can tell a woman 36-weeks pregnant that she's big, the baby's big, she must be getting close, it looks like there's a basketball in there, it's amazing how a body can transform, she's certainly popped out, she looks great, etc.; but you never, ever tell a pregnant lady she's WIDE. We save that term to describe loads on haulers & dumptrucks.
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