This is it! The year that our Baby Girl arrives in this world. In fact, the official date is only 12 weeks away! I'm not ready. That statement covers my mental state (can you ever be ready for those all-night "cry...feed...poop...repeat" marathons?) as well as the physical state of affairs in the Goodwin house (mainly the status of the nursery, big brother's baby book, etc.)
Baby Girl rang in her first New Year snug inside my belly at her Uncle Jeff's house in Minnesota. We made it until midnight playing Trivial Pursuit--watched the ball drop and everything (sans champagne toast, of course--but we did get a kiss from her Daddy!) She also went sledding, ice fishing, curling and, of course, got spoiled by her Minnesota Aunties at the Breyen Christmas celebration--including her first book, "Goodnight Gorilla" from Jill and a precious pink & white baby frame for her new nursery from Ju-ju. Grandma & I spent a few days searching the fabric stores in the Bemidji area for just-the-right-fabric for her crib bedding set. I'm thinking pink & white gingham, but can't find the right shade of pink in the scale I want.
Julie took some awesome maternity photos while we were up there, too. She brought her equipment and set up a quasi-studio in the basement. She got some of Baby Girl & me in a few different outfits, some with me and Jason cracking up at each other, some of Nate kissing his sister inside my belly and some family shots. I'm really happy with the selection. Best of all...we had fun doing it!

I'm about to begin my third trimester (wow! that went fast!) She is an active baby--mainly at 10:00 pm as I hunker down for the night, throughout the night and after meals. I've also been heavy on the Braxton-Hicks contractions the past few days. I'm sure it's from the traveling--go! go! go! and dehydration--it was so dry in Minnesota. I need to just sit, drink fluids and put my feet up...but there's so much to do!
Cravings in Minnesota: Cheetos, sugar cookies with almond frosting, Dad's homemade baked fries with ketchup, apples, clementines, milk, ice cold water (the ice cube trays were very accessible on the deck--they stayed frozen pretty well at 15 degrees below 0!), anything the boys (my dad and hubby) made in the kitchen, and chocolate!
Cravings in Minnesota: Cheetos, sugar cookies with almond frosting, Dad's homemade baked fries with ketchup, apples, clementines, milk, ice cold water (the ice cube trays were very accessible on the deck--they stayed frozen pretty well at 15 degrees below 0!), anything the boys (my dad and hubby) made in the kitchen, and chocolate!
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