Can you spot the baby? (All-American Girl!)

Nate comparing his candy count with Sarah.
Stylin' and profilin' at the picnic
Our Sunday School class met in the small town of Castroville (a bedroom community right outside of San Antonio) for a "small town" Fourth of July parade. Nate had fun waving at the tractors, firetrucks, pick-ups and old cars; but came to expect candy from every float. As they drove by, he'd hold out his loot bag and shout, "Over here!" to the would-be candy throwers. It was about 90 degrees and
humid by 10:00--too hot for comfort standing in the hot, hot sun! We followed the parade with a picnic in the city park (where there
was shade and a breeze, thank goodness!) It was an all-American meal of hotdogs, watermelon, blueberry pie and many other desserts (we brought banana pudding).

Nate, scrub-a-dub-dubbing with Daddy
We are still working on Mia's bedtime routine. For the life of me, I can't remember what Nate's routine was at this age. It's funny how you spend four or five months of your life entrenched in the throws of this stage of newborn babyhood--convinced that it will never end; now, three years later, I can't even recall the general structure of our evenings. I do remember there was a bath, books and music. But I don't remember if we bathed him every night, if the books came first or if we sang or played CDs. I guess that's why each kid turns out different! ;)

Tummy time!
Amelia's antics:
We certainly have a Chatty Cathy! People will go out of their way to tell me how talkative she is. She gurgles, caws, whimpers, chuckles, squeals, you name it. She is getting good with tummy time, too. She can now entertain herself down there for more than 15 minutes before she starts wanting some interpersonal play. She accidentally rolled over on Saturday, the 5th of July--she pushed herself up aggressively and lost her balance. From the look on her face, she was surprised to end up on her back! She wasn't sure what to think at first, but Nate and I smiled and said, "Good job, Amelia!" She soon smiled back, "Look what I did!" She is also able to spin 180 degrees. If we set her down facing the mirror, she will wiggle and squirm until she's looking at the basket of toys behind her. She will also lift her head the full 90 degrees for longer periods of time. She doesn't seem to reach and grab toys yet. She's happy just holding fingers and those plain, little plastic link-rings.